
Approximately two weeks, slow internet connections, looks like I have been using the Internet exceeds the quota should be. Makes me a bit lazy to explore the virtual world sites and blogging.
Plus my brain seemed to be stagnant, it's hard to make a post.

In fact, I'm not too busy, but instead my brain seemed to freeze.So, I fill my spare time by reading stacks of books and magazines that I had been bought, but I have not had time to read.
Also watch the Korean drama series, which I think is very entertaining hehehe.

Finally last weekend I also make time for going home, although only three days. Train ticket prices seem more expensive, but it seems the service still doesn't meet expectations. Incidentally yesterday there seemed to be technical defects, so that trains experienced delays of up to destination.

As usual, coming home is the time to improve nutrition and eating good food. In addition, I also can cook food that I wanted,  relaxes my hand, so as not to stiff for cooking. Understandably, during ngekos I almost never cook. So don't be surprised if after going home I become more chubby hehe
Iki sakjane crito opo to...? ah embuh, lagi pengin blajar boso enggres, soale nek kon melu kursus enggres males


Diah Alsa said…
weleehh, kirain ini postingannya mw pake bhs Jawa, secara judulnya Jawa abis, ternyata fully English.
mantap, nice exercise jenk ;)
Rawins said…
wah beneran embuh...
Anonymous said…
As usual, coming home is the time to improve nutrition and eating good food

=> kok eating? bukannya eat? kan paralel sama to improve nutrition.
harusnya kan to improve nutrition and eat good food.

#sok tahu :P
ria haya said…
.:diah:. : hehehe, abis makan roti dadi postingannya enggres :D

@Rawins : hahaha, ncen embuh tenan kok :D

@Kevin : oh iya ya...wah makasih dah membaca kalimatnya dg teliti, maklum aye ni selalu bingung dg segala grammar hehehe
baiklah gimana kalau kuganti eat delicious food?
Asop said…
Haduh yang penting update posting-an dah. :D
Una said…
Kula mboten ngertos sampeyan ngendika menapa. Embuh~
ria haya said…
@Asop : hehe...tau aja :p
ria haya said…
@Una : eh Una dah pinter basa Jawa..:)
al kahfi said…
embuh maksudnya disini berarti sama2 gak tau artinya apa ato gimana nih mbak,,:) TKP ke translate dulu nih
Gaphe said…
good goood.. very nicee *talking with yourself*
ria haya said…
@al kahfi : hahaha, mas al kahfi cerdas, iya bener, sama2 ga ngerti artinya huehehe

@Gaphe : hehe...opo to Phe?

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